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Welcome to AEERS

The Air Emissions Electronic Reporting System (AEERS) is an electronic method for submitting facility emissions data as required under Title V of the Clean Air Act. This system allows for:

  • The submittal of the emissions data and reports for the current reporting year
  • Viewing of historical emissions data for the previous two years
  • Allow designated individuals to electronically sign submissions reports

Who should use AEERS?

Use of the AEERS system is for individuals responsible for reporting Title V emissions data for facilities located in the State of Alabama. In addition to the individuals that report the emissions data, AEERS is for designated individuals with the responsibility of certifying emissions data reports.


  • Per EPA electronic reporting requirements, AEERS passwords expire every 90 days.
  • The AEERS User's Guide is available for download here.
  • The AEERS XML Guide is available for download here.

AEERS Help Resources

To view available AEERS help resources, please click here.

To view the Pollutant Reporting Guidance document, please click here.

System Requirements:

  • JavaScript and cookies must be enabled in your browser.
  • It is recommended that you use the latest version of Microsoft Edge or another modern browser.
  • The AEERS application sends notifications to users from the address "noreply@adem.alabama.gov". Please include this address in your email whitelist or safe senders list to prevent removal of these notifications by the spam filter of your email client.